Monday, February 11, 2013

Learning How to Swim

I am active in my church an yesterday I was asked to talk in my church about the importance of scripture study. As I was preparing this talk a thought came to my mind. Thought I had was of how we can receive insight into our life, we often times want something all at once. But that is not how it happens. It comes to us little by little. You don't build a house all at once, you do it step by step.

Some of you may have read that I am a swim coach I coach three different age groups of kids, and the other day they were telling me how they all wanted to swim some new strokes like Butterfly and Breaststroke. But I had to explain to them that we need to keep working on the little things like kicking, and drills until we are able to do the whole stroke. I found a video to show how some of my swimmer look when they swim.

All of my swimmers want to be like Michael Phelps, but they do not understand it take time and train on the small things until you are able to be as good as that. I have seen in my life that is just how I am. I look at my life and say I want to be out of college and I want to be progressing more in my life. But as one of the church leaders in my church stated and he gave an example in this video to help us understand how we can gain insight into our lives and how it comes one step at a time.
Often time we may feel a little lost but if we take the time to turn to the higher power that we believe in and as we are doing the things that we need to be doing then he will guide us into the paths that are best for us, and they may not the paths we had in plan. But that is when the phrase "Thy will be done" comes into play. He knows what we are in need of, now we just need to trust him. That is a hard thing for me to do, but I am learning how to do.

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